Multiple-input/single-output identification of the dynamic relation between EMG and torque at the human ankle during isometric contractions


Generation of torque around a joint usually involves the activation of several agonist muscles and may also involve the co-activation of antagonist muscles. Therefore, a valid model for the dynamic relation between surface EMG (an indirect measured of the muscle’s neural input) and the torque should take the form of a Multiple-Input/Single-Output (MISO) system to account for the contributions of the different muscles. This paper presents a new method to accurately estimate the dynamic EMG/Torque relation when multiple muscles are active simultaneously. Using our method we found that flexor and extensor muscles at the ankle have different dynamic properties.

36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, p. 2057 - 2060
Diego L. Guarin
Diego L. Guarin
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering

My research interests include computational neuroscience, human motor disorders, and application of artificial intelligence to health care.

Robert E. Kearney
Robert E. Kearney
Professor - Department of Biomedical Engineering
McGill University
