An instrumental variable approach for the identification of time-varying, Hammerstein systems


This paper introduces an iterative algorithm for the identification of time-varying (TV)-Hammerstein systems. This system is composed by a TV static nonlinearity followed by a TV Box-Jenkins linear model. The algorithm uses two basis function expansions: one to represent the TV parameters and a second to approximate the output of the static nonlinearity. A simulation study showed that the algorithm accurately identified the shape of the TV static nonlinearity and linear dynamic elements even though the noise model structure was unknown.

IFAC, Vol. 48, No. 28, p. 196 - 201
Diego L. Guarin
Diego L. Guarin
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering

My research interests include computational neuroscience, human motor disorders, and application of artificial intelligence to health care.

Robert E. Kearney
Robert E. Kearney
Professor - Department of Biomedical Engineering
McGill University
